Did you know that married parents and single parents pay differently for college?
Depending on your specific situation, EPR will provide cost saving options based on the marital status of the parents.
Depending on your specific situation, EPR will provide cost saving options based on the marital status of the parents.
Most high schools offer college credit classes that can be applied to their college degree. It’s important to coordinate the high school class with the prospective college to make sure those classes will be credited to your specific degree. This is another way to reduce the cost of a college degree.
EPR provides you with the strategies that have saved many of our clients thousands of dollars each year for their family.
EPR will help you negotiate what you pay for a college degree.
EPR knows the resources to locate grants (free money) from various government agencies.
EPR has done the research that gives you insight into those college calculations.
EPR has done the research that gives you insight to those college calculations.
EPR understands the benefits that business owners have to lower their children’s college education and how to implement strategies that get the job done.
EPR has the knowledge that will help you maximize free money from colleges based on how funds are titled.
EPR has the knowledge that will help you maximize free money from colleges based on how you title your funds.