Did you know that having no college plan means that you’re paying for college in the most expensive way? For most people the cost of college is a major expense. EPR has strategies to help you minimize that major expense. Elefant2015-10-21T19:52:24-04:00October 21st, 2015| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! Facebook Related Posts Did you know that married parents and single parents pay differently for college? Did you know that married parents and single parents pay differently for college? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that your children can earn college credits while in high school? Did you know that your children can earn college credits while in high school? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that your true cost for college can be much lower than the “sticker” price shown on their website? Did you know that your true cost for college can be much lower than the “sticker” price shown on their website? 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Did you know that depending on how the money is titled by grandparents for a grandchild’s college education, the amount of free money from colleges will vary widely. October 21st, 2015 Did you know that the size of your emergency fund affects what you pay for college? Did you know that the size of your emergency fund affects what you pay for college? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that the age of the parents impacts how much you pay for college? Did you know that the age of the parents impacts how much you pay for college? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that the cost of college increases at a rate much higher than inflation? Did you know that the cost of college increases at a rate much higher than inflation? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that high income earners can receive a discount on tuition? Did you know that high income earners can receive a discount on tuition? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that most universities are selling a 6-year program? Did you know that most universities are selling a 6-year program? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that paying for college is like paying for a house mortgage in 4 years? Did you know that paying for college is like paying for a house mortgage in 4 years? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that approximately 80% of FAFSA forms are filled out incorrectly? Did you know that approximately 80% of FAFSA forms are filled out incorrectly? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that NOT filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) guarantees you will pay the full price for college? Did you know that NOT filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) guarantees you will pay the full price for college? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that you get a discount for having two or more students in college at the same time, even if they attend different colleges? Did you know that you get a discount for having two or more students in college at the same time, even if they attend different colleges? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that every university in the country has a different financial formula to determine what you pay? Did you know that every university in the country has a different financial formula to determine what you pay? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that prices vary widely on any given airline flight, and similarly, virtually everyone that attends any one college pays a different price for their education at that college? Did you know that prices vary widely on any given airline flight, and similarly, virtually everyone that attends any one college pays a different price for their education at that college? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that both parent’s and student’s savings accounts have threshold limits on FAFSA, and being above those thresholds will increase the amount you pay for your child’s education? 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October 21st, 2015 Did you know that 2,000,000 families are paying off college loans while receiving Social Security during retirement, and 300,000 are having their Social Security checks garnished to pay those loans? Did you know that 2,000,000 families are paying off college loans while receiving Social Security during retirement, and 300,000 are having their Social Security checks garnished to pay those loans? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that a private college could cost less to attend than an in-state public college? Did you know that a private college could cost less to attend than an in-state public college? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that scholarships account for about 5% of free money from colleges and grants account for 57%? Did you know that scholarships account for about 5% of free money from colleges and grants account for 57%? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that for every $100,000 that you spend on college it will cost you about $1,000 per month in retirement income? Did you know that for every $100,000 that you spend on college it will cost you about $1,000 per month in retirement income? October 21st, 2015 Did you know that the money you save in a 529 Plan will reduce your ability to receive free money (gifting) from colleges? Did you know that the money you save in a 529 Plan will reduce your ability to receive free money (gifting) from colleges? October 21st, 2015 Did you know the money you save in a 529 Plan will reduce your ability to receive free money (gifting) from colleges? Did you know the money you save in a 529 Plan will reduce your ability to receive free money (gifting) from colleges? September 4th, 2015